Loser's Paradise

Beck's one of my favourite artists but the track Loser stands out as being one of my favourite tracks ever. Added to this is the fact I wrote the lyrics down once when I was about 14 and I have either thought of them or performed them in some way pretty much every day since. The haunting arrangement of Coolio's Gangsters Paradise really resonated with me and is the perfect bed for me to get the Loser lyrics out.

Sweet Satisfaction

One of my favourite tracks when I was younger was Marilyn Manson's version of Sweet Dreams, originally by Eurythmics. I used to listen to it over and over so it fits into my need to loop stuff. The bassline for Satisfaction stood out to me as soon as I heard it and I started adding it to live sets straight away. The two tracks mix together really well and you might find a little surprise joining track in this mix too.


I first sang this from 'Come and Praise - Volume 2' songbook when I was at junior school. I liked the rounds/loops we used to do and therefore it was perfect to play around with when I got my loop pedal. I sing this track for the melody and the global lyrics, nothing more and since I started playing it live I noticed people really responded to the arrangement

Where's Your Head At

This is the track that first got my shows going from being beatbox showcases to all out raves when I started performing my full loop pedal show. I have performed this track around the world and at most of the UK's biggest festivals with an unfalteringly huge response from any crowd and for that I have to include this on Live to Tape as the track with most THePETEBOX history.